Which Way or Why?


Dawn Edelman
Which Way or Why? 2023
37×47 inch, Charcoal and Pastel on Fine Archival Paper

This work has been professionally framed and is available for local pickup and delivery in Dallas, TX.

For a shipping quote, please contact: LJ@mthrshpgallery.com

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Dawn Edelman, Figurative Surrealist Artist

“Dawn and I met thanks to her East Dallas acupuncture practice. When the subject of art came up, she showed me her work and I was blown away by her original style. I’ve always been drawn to surrealism and I don’t meet a lot of artists who work primarily with charcoal and pastel, a medium I’ve always appreciated for its ethereal qualities. Dawn is a passionate artist and healer and her unique perspective is effectively translated into each piece she creates. She has been a hit at every fair and show MTHRshp has hosted and I look forward to watching her collector base grow.” -thMTHRshp Gallery Director, Liz Jordan.

Dawn Elise Edelman is a mother, acupuncturist, and creative.  She cherishes the moments when she can exist in a world without time or construct so she can feel the forces of Nature at play. It is in these moments that Dawn visually explores how the energy of our bodies interacts with the world around us, how it moves and transforms. Within our physical structure, is this energy open and spacious or dense and restrictive? Dawn has sensed what we were before, but feels the density and its implications now, drawing large deconstructed bodies that exist without preconceived notions or boundaries. Her creative process leans in to movement as she continually draws, erases, and draws again, carving out the path to a completed piece.

Dawn has no art degree and enjoys participating in art classes intermittently. She mostly draws on a large scale so we can really see and feel the process of transformation.  Her Dallas-based acupuncture practice is rich and fulfilling, inspiring much of her artwork and perspective on all things.


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